Critical Thinking

Join us on March 12 for a Interactive Talk About Using STEM-based Picture Books/MA-STEM Standards to Create Engaging Hands-on Curriculum

I'm excited to partner with Melissa Roberts – Program Director of Puddle Stompers and master nature educator -- in this workshop for the 25th annual MASSACHUSETTS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION SOCIETY.  Our talk:  Utilizing STEM-based Picture Books and MA-STEM Standards to Create Engaging, Hands-on Nature-based Curriculum for ages 4-8 and Adults This workshop will demonstrate an integrated

Aristotle, Tigers, and a New Picture Book, Oh My!

Aristotle statue by Panos. Stageira. Greece 2730 years ago, the great philosopher Aristotle was puzzled.   He thought about the parts of a tiger, like the heart, stomach, and brain. He knew, that separately, the parts made a heap or pile. Together, though, they created something different --