On the Road with MONUMENT MAKER: March 14 Visit the Mount Harmony Mustangs!
Excited for an epic school visit inspired by my book MONUMENT MAKER with the Mount Harmony Mustangs on March 14
Excited for an epic school visit inspired by my book MONUMENT MAKER with the Mount Harmony Mustangs on March 14
I'm excited to partner with Melissa Roberts – Program Director of Puddle Stompers and master nature educator -- in this workshop for the 25th annual MASSACHUSETTS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION SOCIETY. Our talk: Utilizing STEM-based Picture Books and MA-STEM Standards to Create Engaging, Hands-on Nature-based Curriculum for ages 4-8 and Adults This workshop will demonstrate an integrated
Join us to hear a story, and then enjoy a simple craft for little ones! This week, we will welcome author Linda Booth Sweeney to read her brand new book, Apart, Together, and we will learn all about how individual pieces can come together to form something wonderful!
Aristotle statue by Panos. Stageira. Greece 2730 years ago, the great philosopher Aristotle was puzzled. He thought about the parts of a tiger, like the heart, stomach, and brain. He knew, that separately, the parts made a heap or pile. Together, though, they created something different --